Tuesday, March 3, 2020
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Future Projects

Project T.E.A.C.H.
WHY:  Vulnerable children are maturing in a country where the unemployment rate is at 85%, and are facing insurmountable challenges without higher education or business training
Goal:  Teaching, Empowering, Achieving, Challenging, Helping through education
Budget:  $28,600
Team:  All-volunteer U.S.-based support, and Zimbabwe on-site local partners

To activate this vision, Heart4kids is establishing small campuses within the rural villages. Local schools are utilized for workshops, and classes. Open spaces around the villages are developed as recreational areas for sports and recreation

Volunteers from around the world are invited to participate in this innovative project. No matter what your age, gender or life experience, there is a place for you! We see this as a opportunity for a dynamic energy exchange between North and South, one that will be rewarding beyond our expectations as volunteers and villagers learn from one another through working and playing together.

We begin by selecting the village and identifying students to be trained in entrepreneurship. The class will be comprised of 50% boys and 50% girls.

An overview of the real needs of each village is provided by the community leadership structure, on the basis of which various practical projects and business opportunities for the students are designed. Through a dynamic interactive process amongst project leaders, volunteers and the local villagers, every participant will be encouraged to understand their roles and responsibilities in mentoring and supporting the young entrepreneurs in their small businesses. Once the class graduates, they will be given seed money and a mentor.

T.E.A.C.H Powerpoint Deck: