Tuesday, March 3, 2020
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Thank you for your interest in donating. Your help, no matter what form or capacity, will go far in changing many children's lives. 100% of all contributions go directly to the children.
Heart4kids is an all volunteer organization. There are no paid stuff.

The Need
The children we support struggle for basic necessities such as food, clothing, school supplies, and medicine.
Your tax-deductible online donation will provide meals, clothing, school supplies, and medicine to Zimbabwe’s struggling orphan population.

Donating is Easy

  • Donate conveniently with a major credit card through our secure online donation feature.
  • Choose the amount and frequency right for you.  You can make a one-time, monthly, or quarterly donation.
  • Donations are tax deductible.
  • 100% of all contributions go directly to the children

Use the Paypal link above OR send checks or Money Order to:
1755 Whisperhill Drive
Reston VA 20194

For more information on donating or sponsorships contact us at Email address: info@heart4kids.org